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The Brainfuck Archive


This is an archive that contains Brainfuck resources: programs written in bf, implementations of bf, utilities for handling bf programs. The resources are divided as follows:

  • bf-source

Contains all true bf programs and library-like snippets. Some non-bf programs are also here, because they really don't fit into any other category.

  • impl

Various bf implementations, both compilers and interpreters.

  • utils

Utilities for compressing / processing / stripping bf programs etc.

  • compiled

Some of the bf implementations and utilities, compiled. All compiled versions are currently for Ms-Dos.

Not all programs have any notification of their ownership. If you find here a brainfuck program written by you without credits, tell me (Panu Kalliokoski, pkalliok@cs.helsinki.fi) about it. The original archive was collected by Jeff Johnston.

To submit new programs, email pkalliok@cs.helsinki.fi. 我就在已编译的文件当中下了DBFI.zip(Windows用)。它包含了编译器和一些文档。

上图: Delphi Brainfuck Interpreter界面话说“,>[-]<[>+.<-]”应该算是我的第一个循环程序。=_=!

