
一切の有為の法 夢幻泡影の如し


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checking whether gcc -m32 works... no
configure: error: Cannot build a 32-bit program, you need to install 32-bit development libraries.
[koc@koc-desktop wine-1.3.28]$ yaourt gcc-multilib
1 multilib/gcc-multilib 4.6.1-4 (multilib-devel)
The GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends for multilib
==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3)
==> -------------------------------------------------------
==> 1

:: gcc-libs-multilib 与 gcc-libs 有冲突。删除 gcc-libs 吗? [y/N] y
:: binutils-multilib 与 binutils 有冲突。删除 binutils 吗? [y/N] y
:: gcc-multilib 与 gcc 有冲突。删除 gcc 吗? [y/N] y
(后面省略) 就这样,把那三样装上了。./configure也终于能通过了,只是输出如下信息:

configure: libxinerama 32-bit development files not found, multi-monitor setups won't be supported.
configure: libxcomposite 32-bit development files not found, Xcomposite won't be supported.
configure: OpenCL 32-bit development files not found, OpenCL won't be supported.
configure: libhal/libdbus 32-bit development files not found, no dynamic device support.
configure: libgnutls 32-bit development files not found, no schannel support.
configure: lib(n)curses 32-bit development files not found, curses won't be supported.
configure: libsane 32-bit development files not found, scanners won't be supported.
configure: libv4l 32-bit development files not found.
configure: libgphoto2 32-bit development files not found, digital cameras won't be supported.
configure: liblcms 32-bit development files not found, Color Management won't be supported.
configure: gstreamer-0.10 base plugins 32-bit development files not found, gstreamer support disabled
configure: OSS sound system found but too old (OSSv4 needed), OSS won't be supported.
configure: libcapi20 32-bit development files not found, ISDN won't be supported.
configure: libcups 32-bit development files not found, CUPS won't be supported.
configure: libgsm 32-bit development files not found, gsm 06.10 codec won't be supported.
configure: libopenal 32-bit development files not found (or too old), OpenAL won't be supported.
configure: libldap (OpenLDAP) 32-bit development files not found, LDAP won't be supported.

configure: WARNING: prelink not found, base address of core dlls won't be set correctly.

configure: WARNING: libxml2 32-bit development files not found (or too old), XML won't be supported.

configure: WARNING: libxslt 32-bit development files not found, xslt won't be supported.

configure: WARNING: GetText 32-bit development files not found (or too old). Internationalization won't be fully supported.

configure: Finished.  Do 'make' to compile Wine. 无奈之下把提示缺少的包都装上。好在大多数都可以找到并且是multilib的,一些没有的就忽略算了。(事实证明这可能是大隐患。)

重新./configure,然后make,sudo make install。完成。

但是后来发现一个巨大问题,虽然很多程序都能“正常”运行,但右键不能弹出菜单,提示说某个组件(OLE?)找不到,中文有时也显示不正常。我regedit检查了一下字体配置,一切正常。莫非是编译时的问题?我X环境的问题(最近pacman -Syu升级后X下字体隐约有问题)?这样一个GEEK觉得很吃力,于是一想,啊!果断放弃。

